Jak przygotować się do nakręcenia filmu wizerunkowego?

Wie bereitet man sich auf die Erstellung eines Imagefilms vor? 6 Dinge, die Sie beachten müssen!

Are you planning to make an image film? Such a production can help you take care of your company's image, increase its recognition, and indirectly - attract new customers and boost sales. However, before the video is created, you need to prepare for it. How? Here are some practical tips. Take care of these things to create a production that will impress. 



#1 Marketing assumptions - the absolute foundation


The process of creating a branding video is quite elaborate. You need to have a very precise plan of action before you launch the cameras and start shooting. He will not be created "just like that". You need a script, and even before that - the delineation of marketing and communication assumptions.

Why exactly should an image film be created? In what light should it show your company? What values should it communicate? To whom do you want to direct it? Determining these and similar issues is the first step in preparing to create such a production. Without it, you won't get off the ground!


Read also: How to write a script for an image film?


#2 Choosing a creative agency


In order for the production of an image video to make sense, the creative must hold the level. After all, a tool is created with which you want to reach customers and the business community! This is where you need professionals.

Ideally, the production should be handled by a proven creative film agency, which will guide you through the entire process and make sure the creation is fresh and really good. With us, a project manager will then oversee the implementation of your project. This is the person who "keeps his hand on the pulse" at every stage of the work and takes care of "proving the results".  

What does this look like in practice? On the side of specialists can be all the key elements. These include:

  • developing the concept of the image film and its script (if you have your own idea - our team will also realize it);
  • the entire pre-production - so, among other things, issues such as documentation, choosing locations, gathering the necessary crew (also if you will need actors or extras), gathering the equipment necessary for filming, drawing up a schedule and other production documents;
  • production, i.e. the shooting of the material itself;
  • post-production, that is, editing it - so that it is ready for publication.

Choose a partner who will take on all the major issues - it will just be easier.

#3 Actors or employees? An important choice!


In image videos, it is good to present real employees of the company. Such a procedure lends credibility to the production, and thus can positively influence customers' trust in your message. Therefore, at the preparation stage, it is worth considering whether there are people in the team who will choose to appear in the film. Choose those who can handle themselves in front of the camera. 

Of course, nothing by force! If your team is afraid of performing - we know how to "play it off", and we can hire actors for the production. Professionals will have no problems with the natural utterance of issues and can "enliven" the recording.

However, it is important to determine still at the stage of preparation which way the production will go.

Note: If your company's employees are to play in the film, you need to take care of the formalities of obtaining their image for the production. We will advise you in this regard, write to us now! 


#4 Costumes for employees - actors/statisticians


Are members of the company's team going to appear in your film? It is important that they are dressed appropriately. Among other things, the camera does not like crumpled clothes or glowing skin. Makeup issues will be taken care of by the production team. But the clothes must be selected according to the guidelines. Our clients receive them in advance - so that the people "playing" can prepare and not be surprised, for example, by a request to change clothes.


#5 Order in the office


The appearance of your team on staff is one thing. The other is how the company's headquarters is presented. It is the one that most often forms the backdrop for an image film. On the day of shooting, there must be no "aesthetic chaos" there. Therefore, part of the preparation most often is cleaning. It is primarily a matter of tidying up unnecessary documents and paraphernalia and making sure that the space is in general order. If you cooperate with us, you will find all the key guidelines in the document you will receive before the shooting begins. This will ensure that you prepare the office for filming the way it needs to be.


#6 Appropriate filming hours


If the video is to show your headquarters, it should be shot at a time when the "company is alive." Most often, this is done during business hours - so that shots can be taken to show the daily routine of your operations. On the other hand, you need to plan the shooting in such a way that it does not disturb the normal rhythm. This issue is worth discussing with the production team - we know from experience that a compromise is possible.



Are you interested in creating an image video that shows your company in a good light and helps attract customer attention? Contact us and see what we can film together to enhance your brand and sales.